Likely permanently offline: What was originaly intended to be a temporary outage for repairs will likely be permanent due to a much better weather station being setup in near by Hamilton East. Reinstating the Ruakura station is probably not worth the fairly high repair cost now.

Switch to Hamilton East

Weather for 2018-04-07


Sensor Min Max
Temperature 11.0°C at 05:40:00 23.6°C at 15:35:00
Apparent Temperature 11.0°C at 05:40:00 26.1°C at 15:30:00
Wind Chill 11.0°C at 05:40:00 23.6°C at 15:35:00
Dew Point 9.9°C at 05:40:00 17.8°C at 16:55:00
Humidity 65% at 11:50:00 94% at 09:10:00
Barometer 1012.2 hPa at 17:05:00 1015.7 hPa at 00:00:00
Gust Wind Speed 1.8 m/s at 17:05:00
Average Wind Speed 0.4 m/s at 18:20:00

Total Rainfall: 0.0mm

1-day Charts

7-day Charts

Data is a 30-minute average.